If you received a DISCONNECT notice or have been disconnected, please contact us and let us know when you turn in your paperwork.
Aug. 15, 2024 - Past program participants will begin to receive applications by mail, which will be returned to Good Samaritan Network.
Oct. 1, 2024—Online applications can be completed. ONLINE for Hamilton County to, contact / 317-842-2603 X205 for more information, or visit
Nov. 1, 2024—The New EAP Season begins. In-person appointments will be available, but they are not required. Applications can be submitted electronically, by email, mail, or drop-off.
April 15, 2025 - End of EAP application period.
Please call our EAP extension at any time if you have questions:
317-842-2603, x 205
Benefit levels have DECREASED. This impacts both Regular and Crisis benefits. Benefit levels are determined on a case-by-case basis.
Crisis will be applied based on the utility bills at the time of application ONLY. If payments is not made while an application is in queue to be processed and a disconnect bill is received, additional Crisis benefits will NOT be received. The application will be processed immediately; however, only the crisis benefits needed at the time of application will be applied.
If additional Criis is needed after an application is approved and not entirely utilized at the time of application, they will only be available from March 1 – April 14, 2025, if funds are available.
Households that have a credit balance of $250 or more on one of the regulated utilities (electric or natural gas) at the time of application will be programmatically eligible but will NOT receive a benefit even if the credit falls below $250 at any time during the season.
Households that have a credit balance of $500 or more on the unregulated utility (propane or oil) at the time of application will not be eligible for assistance until the balance is under $500.
If you are eligible, benefits payments typically go out starting November 1.
The Moratorium law (Indiana Code 8-1-2-121) states that from December 1st through March 15th of any year, a regulated utility company may not turn off residential utility service to any customer who is eligible for and who has applied for the Energy Assistance Program.
For Hamilton County, apply online by visiting, or contact / 317-842-2603 X205 for more information, or visit
If you have a disconnected utility, received a notice for disconnection, or you are almost out of fuel, please call 317-842-2603 x205 immediately, as you may be eligible for a crisis benefit.
The program officially begins on November 1. If you are about to be disconnected or are already disconnected, you are advised to contact (GSN) for an appointment rather than applying online.
If you have NOT received an EAP application, call our EAP office at 317-842-2603, x 205, to request one be mailed to you, or you can pick one up at our NORTH office.
The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) is one of several programs and services available thru Good Samaritan Network in Hamilton County. The Energy Assistance Program (EAP) provides one-time financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating season.
Use this site to complete an application and confirm required documents that must accompany your application. Please be sure to review your eligibility and income limits. Also be clear about your privacy and disconnect options.
Hamilton County Energy Assistance Program
EAP PHONE: 317-842-2603, x 205
FAX: 317-842-4766
Indiana's Energy Assistance Program provides one-time financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating season. This program helps prevent utility companies from shutting off home heating services to low-income families during cold winter months.
Homeowners and renters, including households whose heat cost is included in the rent, can apply. Eligibility is based on household size and the gross annual income of every household member 18 years of age or older.
Heating and electric bills can be difficult to pay. For moderate to low-income households, apply to see if Good Samaritan Network (EAP) can help! Benefit amounts vary based on application details.
You can apply for assistance in the following ways:
Download and Print a PDF Application here, then:
Email your completed application to
Fax your completed application to 317-842-4766
Drop Off or Mail your completed application to:
Good Samaritan Network
Client Assistance Office:
13053 Parkside Drive, Fishers, IN 46038
Call 317-842-2603, x 205 to request an application be mailed to you
Apply online with the State at
Apply through the Mobile App EAPConnect
How long will it take before I get my benefit?
It may take 55 days to determine if you are eligible, and the utility company may take an additional 30 days to process your benefit.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PAY YOUR UTILITY BILLS while waiting for your EAP benefit to appear on your account.

Winter Assistance Program
Funds are applied directly to the person’s energy account (no cash is given).
An Energy Assistance Program recipient is protected from having their regulated utility disconnected between December 1 and March 15.
DO NOT mail in an application IF you have an actual DISCONNECT notice. Instead, contact your trustee office for immediate assistance BEFORE Nov. 1. AFTER Nov. 1 contact GSN.
Processing applications may take 55 days to determine if you are eligible (after November 1), and it may take an additional 30 days for the utility company to process your benefit. You will receive a letter in the mail or by email advising you of your benefit.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO PAY YOUR UTILITY BILLS while waiting for your EAP benefit to appear on your account.

Eligible Activities and Funding
This program provides assistance through a fixed benefit amount for the cost of the primary source of heat which includes, but is not limited to:
• Oil
• Electricity
• Natural gas
• Propane
• Kerosene
• Wood
• Coal
If eligible, discounts are automatically given on:
• Duke Electric LED bulbs
• Vectren & Citizens Gas bills
Payments for actual usage or fuel delivery are made directly to the heating vendor for primary energy needs from November 1 thru April 14 - except when the cost of heating is included in the rent.
Eligibility and Timeline Details
There are a variety of factors that impact the eligibility of a household. Eligibility determination is based on three months of income. (Monthly Income and Annual Income listings are reference only.)
You may be eligible for energy assistance if you make less than the income limits listed below:
You can also contact the National Energy Assistance Referral Hotline at (866) 674-6327, if you need help figuring out what is available in your community. There may be other programs operated by your local LIHEAP office, utility company, or other charities to help you pay your energy bill.
Required Information - No Exceptions
NOTE: Make your own COPIES of any required documents BEFORE arriving at GSN. Missing documents will DELAY the process and postponed receipt of your application.
GOOD SAMARITAN NETWORK OF HAMILTON COUNTY is your local service provider.
Please submit your application to Good Samaritan Network - who is administering EAP on behalf of Area IV in Hamilton County.
• If you do not know who your local service provider is, you may identify them by dialing 2 -1-1 or by visiting It should also be listed on the front of the application.
• Please submit the following documents with your application (copies ONLY):
If you drop off or mail in a paper application, please complete it completely. Make sure all sections and questions are answered. On page 2 of the application, make sure to answer whether or not your heating source is working.
ALL applications (whether online or in person) MUST have the following documentation. Failure to provide documentation will delay the processing of your application. Failure to provide documentation in 14 calendar days could cause your Energy Assistance Application to be denied.
Income documentation for ALL household members age 18 or older.
Last pay stub received if you have worked at your current job for the last 3 months. If you have not worked at your current job all 3 months then proof of income for all 3 months is required. If you have not worked at your current job for all 3 months, start date of your current job is needed.
For Social Security income – a current SS or SSI Benefit letter (letter must be dated within the last 3 months). You can also provide a current bank statement that has not been altered in any way. Bank statements must show the client’s name, dates, and amount deposited.
Pension – A pension statement is needed. You can use a bank statement with no alterations made if no taxes are taken out of your pension. Bank statements must show the client’s name, dates, and amount deposited.
School Schedule—A copy of the current school schedule is required for household members age 18 and up who are still in school. A college student must be taking at least 12 credit hours. School Schedules must show the student's name, school name, full-time status, and class information.
No Income – if you have NOT worked in the last 3 months OR you are paid in cash, OR you work odd jobs, you may fill out an Income Verification Form as proof of income. Income Verification forms MUST BE signed by the person using the form as income. If you are employed AND receive pay stubs (even if they are online), you CANNOT use the Income Verification Form.
If you are renting and one or both utilities are included in the month's rent, the Landlord affidavit must be completed and signed by the Landlord. You will also need to fill out a Direct Benefit Payment form.
Copies of CURRENT utility bills—If you heat with gas, both your gas and electric bills are required. You must include ALL pages of the utility bills.
If a utility bill is in the name of someone not living in the household, you must fill out a Utility Affidavit. This includes a household member with a different last name, i.e. a female head of household using a maiden or another name.
If any items are missing from your application, you will receive a Missing Documents Letter either in regular mail or an email.
Depending on household circumstances, additional documentation may be required.

Disconnect Note
After November 1st, please contact Good Samaritan Network for all DISCONNECTS.
However, UNTIL November 1st, if you are actually in DISCONNECT, you will contact your Trustees office for immediate assistance. Actual DISCONNECTS are shown at the top right corner of your statement, or online at the due date.
Again, AFTER November 1st, if you are about to be disconnected or are already disconnected, you are advised to contact your Good Samaritan Network for an appointment rather than applying online.
If you are in DISCONNECT, please do not apply online or mail your application! A mail-in application may take too long to process to prevent being disconnected! Please call (317-842-2603) and make an appointment.
What other kinds of Utility Assistance is available?
If you are seeking additional assistance with utilities, or need help more quickly than EAP is able to provide, please apply for EAP, then look into the following resources:
Township Trustee
Water assistance is now available through the Water Assistance Program.
PDF Applications
Click the above PDF button/link to download and print your energy assistance ENGLISH application for completion by hand. Review the information needed, write the application information clearly, sign your application and provide copied documents with the application. Then email, fax, drop off or mail the application.
Another option is to register ONLINE with the State. Click the above link to complete your energy assistance application directly ONLINE with the State. Follow the steps listed. You will be required to register and create a password.
Use a PDF to complete the application, provide copied documents as requested here and mail to Good Samaritan Network as soon as possible:
Good Samaritan Network
12933 Parkside Dr.
Fishers, IN 46038

Be sure you have included all required documents with your application before submitting it. Missing documents will delay the processing of your application.
If you scan documents to be attached to a fax or email. Be sure the scan is clear and readable. Documents that cannot be clearly printed, or won't print, will delay the processing of your application.
Email Providers
Recognize that some email providers have size limitations, and often including attachments can delay email delivery.
Assistance and Office Hours
All Hamilton County Energy Assistance calls can be made directly to
Good Samaritan Network
Client Assistance Office: 13053 Parkside Drive, Fishers, IN 46038
317-842-2603 x205
Monday – Friday 9:00 A.M. – 4:30 P.M.
(A skeleton staff may be available during specified after-hours and holidays.) -
Appointments will be available ONLY for clients that are in actual DISCONNECT (shown at the top right corner of your statement/invoice, or online at the due date).
All other applications -with required documents- must be mailed-in, dropped off, or emailed (when scanning documents to email, please be sure they are clear scans and size appropriate, before attaching)
You may also apply online
Hamilton County EAP Email:
Click here to access information regarding your appeal rights and rights to a timely processing of your Energy Assistance Program application.
Informational Links
Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority
Low Income Energy Assistance Info
Office of Community Services Info
Federal Social Services Funding (EAP)
National Energy Assistance Referral Hotline - (866) 674-6327
You can also contact the National Energy Assistance Referral Hotline at (866) 674-6327 if you need help figuring out what is available in your community. There may be other programs operated by your local LIHEAP office, utility company, or other charities or nonprofits to help you pay your energy bill.
Federally Funded
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a United States federal social services program first established in 1981 and funded annually through Congressional appropriations.
EAP Management
The State of Indiana manages EAP policy and operations. Public comment is welcome during a specific "public comment period" as announced and scheduled. Contact the State of Indiana EAP for details.

Hamilton County
Meeting People At Their Need
The Energy Assistance Program provides financial assistance to low-income households to maintain utility services during the winter heating season for Hamilton County families.
“I didn’t know how I was going to bring in enough money for food and pay for my medication, then I heard about GSN.”
Client Assistance
“Our drivers were so touched by the Holiday work and the hope you gave to the community.”
“We hope to be a part of your organization and make a difference in someone else's life-like you have in ours.”
Financial Assistance